Thursday, January 1, 2015

Farewell Pak Lah Hussain, 'Into The Light'

His departure dropped the curtain on for the year of 2014 and his funeral began our 2015 literary journey. National Laureate, Datuk Abdullah Hussain, 94, died of old age after a very long and interesting literary adventure including (but not only) involving in Indonesian War of Independence in his early day (allegedly) and an unneeded controversial when his novel, Interlok (Interlock) was misunderstood by certain quarters of Malaysian.

I began to know him first through his novels, Masuk ke Dalam Cahaya (Into the Light) and Imam before interviewing him as a literature journalist. It happen when Interlok had been unfairly tarnished, not because as a literary work, but as historical writing. But then again, it is not about right or wrong, only the grievance was fueled by political agenda. Abdullah didn't choose the wrong word but certain party of people decided to bury the historical fact and ignored the past. Because of his sinile age, the questions had been written on paper and the conversation didn't take a long time. But his memory still intacted to remember the old days especially the need to write such novel as far as national unity concern.

More than hundred people, comprised of family members, authors and friends, gathered at Masjid Tun Abdul Aziz for funeral prayer, Petaling Jaya, yesterday including almost all of National Laureates, A Samad Said, Prof Muhammad Haji Salleh, Baharuddin Zainal, Anwar Ridhwan and Ahmad Kamal Abdullah and fellow writers such as Syed Mohd Zakir Syed Othman, Rahimidin Zahari, Shamsudin Othman, Muhammad Lutfi Ishak and Zaid Akhtar. Managing Director of The Malaysian Institute of Translation & Books (ITBM), Mohd Khair Ngadiron and the President of Malaysian National Writers Association (PENA), Mohamad Saleeh Rahamad also attended the ceremony.

Maybe the best thing for me to remember Abdullah by jotting down these words:

'Dan Malam, Apabila Ia Berlalu' kita pun menerima khabar mendukakan.
Tanpa ada 'Konserto Terakhir', kita harap barkah, cinta lewat Selawat Perdana.
'Sebuah Perjalanan' seorang sasterawan dari 'Perjalanan Mencari Diri' kepada 'Perjalanan Mencari Bahasa', akhirnya 'Perjalanan Mencari Hikmah'.
Abdullah Hussain dari 'Kota ke Kota' meninggalkan alam ini ibarat 'Buih di Atas Air'.
Ah, 'Interlok' maka terurailah antara beliau dan kita, mewariskan beban sejarah yang belum kita pikul sepenuhnya.
Kala mula solat jenazah, terpandang 'Imam' siap bertakbir, memimpin kita yang penuh damba.
Kala aku mengusung kerandanya seperti menghulurkan naskhah 'Masuk ke Dalam Cahaya'.
Pergilah sang sasterawan, namamu dipanggil untuk 'Pertemuan Abadi'.

Farewell Pak Lah, behold, if Allah wills, we shall meet you. We ask of Allah's safety for us and for you.

- At the New Straits Times, Abdullah Hussain a loving father and husband

Malaysian authors, writers and figures


Abdul Rashid, Mohamed Ghozali (1949)
Mohamed Ghazali Abdul Rashid or known as Malim Ghozali Pk is a Perak-born writer. He write in various genres such as short story, novel and non-creative writing. His short story compilations are Langit Tidak Berbintang di Ulu Slim (Sky Without Stars in Ulu Slim*) and Ini Chow Kit Road, Sudilah Mampir (Call In at Chow Kit Road, Please*), while his novels are Janji Paramaribu (Paramaribo's Promise*); Daun (Leaves*) and Redang (Redang*). He translated his own novel, Luka Nering into English as Tree of Sorrow and currently was nominated for long list of Dublin International Literary Award 2016.

Adam, Abd Razak (1970)
Abd Razak Adam or known as A Razak Adam, Emir Adam and Azam is a Melaka-born writer. A teacher in practice, he published nine novels including Kasih Seharum Manisah (Manisah's Fragrant of Love*); Hanya Tuhan Yang Tahu (Only God Knew); Tujuh Keturunan (Seven Generation*); Cemeh (Cemeh*) and young adult novels.

Ahamed, Wan Omar (1948)
Wan Omar Ahamed or known as Sutung Umar RS is a Kelantan-born writer and poet. He was an editor of Dewan Sastera (DS), a prestigious Malaysian literary magazine and literature editor at Berita Harian (BH). His poetry anthologies are Taburkan Bunga; Di Negeri Kalbu and Ratib Kalbu. His novels are Api Cinta; Dia dan Nya and Meski Jauh Dibatasi Bumi.

Ahmad, Zainal Rashid (1967)
Zainal Rashid Ahmad is a Kedah-born writer, journalist and TV documentary producer based in Kuala Lumpur for various television channel. Best known as mastery in realism magic, he wrote short stories and poems which compiled in Al-Kisah (Al-Kisah*); Empunya Hikayat (Owner of Saga*) and Yang Tercinta (The Beloved One). His first novel is Hikayat Tanah Jauh (Chronicles of Distant Land*) and he is currently General Manager of TV Al Hijrah, Islamic television channel.

Al-Akiti, Fadli
Fadli Al-Akiti is a Selangor-born writer. He is among a few of science fiction's author in Malaysia. His novels are Saga Horizon and Gugurnya Azazil, while in Leksikon Ledang, he wrote together with Nor Azida Ishak. His essay compilation is TontonFilem which reviewed a local and foreign movies. Currently he is the Editor of Dewan Sastera, a leading literary magazine in Malaysia.


Harun, Mohd Ridzuan (1975)
Mohd Ridzuan Harun or known as Ridzuan Harun is a Kedah-born poet and an academic at National Academy of Arts, Culture and Heritage (ASWARA). He published three poetry compilations, Suluk Cinta (Mysticism's Love*); Buku Si Darwis (The Dervish Book*) and Negeri Kunang-kunang (The Country of Firefly*). He also wrote a children book, Siri Koleksi Gurindam Kanak-kanak Bertema (A Collection of Children's Gurindam With Themes*).

Hassan, Zurinah (1949)
Zurinah Hassan is a Kedah-born writer who named as the recipient 13th National Laureate Award, the first ever female author who recieve such award. She published a numoures book including Pujangga Tidak Bernama (Unnamed Literati*); Keberangkatan (Departure*); Menjelang Pemilihan (Toward Selection*) and Cerita Dalam Cerita (Story in the Story*). In 2014, her poetry collection Menghadap ke Pelabuhan translated to English as Facing the Harbour. She also wrote her own memoir, Memoir Zurinah Hassan and biography of Usman Awang.


Isa, Shaari (1933)
Shaari Isa is a Kedah-born writer and very prolific authors among the veterans. His novels range from young adult to adult such as a trilogy of Lepaskan Aku Kembali Ke Laut (Release Me Back to the Sea); Saujana (Infinity*); Perutusan dari Penjara (A Letter from Prison*) and Sebalik Yamashita dan Percival (Behind Yamashita and Percival). He also wrote espionage novel, Projek PL5 (PL5 Project*) and political non-creative title such as Vendetta and Abuse of Power.

Ishak, Muhammad Lutfi (1980)
Muhammad Lutfi Ishak or Lutfi Ishak is a Kedah-born poet and a teacher in Shah Alam. His second poetry anthology, Dondang Pembukaan (The Opening Dondang*) won writing contest organized by Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia (ITBM), Malaysian National Writers Association (PENA) and Berita Harian (BH) in 2015. His first poetry compilation is Kafe (Cafe*). He also produced short stories anthology, Malam Pertama (Wedding Night*).


Kahar, Baharuddin (1946)
Baharuddin Kahar is a Perak-born writer. His novels are Kampung Halaman (Hometown*); Senjakala (Twilight Time) and Ceritera dari Pinggiran Taman (Story from the End of Park*), while his short story compilations are Terima Kasih Tuhanku (Thanks My God*) and Capa Rengat (Capa Rengat*)


Mohamad, Ariff
Ariff Mohamad is a Perak-born writer and an academic based in Tanjung Malim. Educated at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) for bachelor and master degree, he wrote several novels, short stories anthologies and poetry compilations. His novels are Versi Aria (Aria Version*); Bebaskan Ekspresi (Liberated Expression*); Semenanjung Menangis (Crying Peninsular*) and ... Di Hujung Negeri (... At a Tip of State*). For the poetry, he published Titik ke Titik, Hujan (Point to Point, Raining*) and Benih Hanyut (Drifting Seed*).

Mohd Yusop, Sri Rahayu
Sri Rahayu Mohd Yusop is Selangor-born writer and an English teacher. Her novels are Bukan Legasi Lalang (Not a Weed's Legacy*); Merdekakan Cinta Ratna (Freeing the Ratna's Love*); Odisi Tanah Kencana; Warisnya Kalbu; Kasih Nan Agung (The Great Love*); Impuls/Roh (Impulse/Soul*); Bimasakti Menari (The Dancing of Milky Way*); Rimba Jiwa (The Soul of Jungle*); Equilibria (Equilibria*); Qalam Kalbu (Qalam Kalbu Scripture*) and Transgenik Sifar (Zero Transgenic*).

Muhammad, Kamaludin (1922-1992)
Kamaludin Muhammad or better known as Keris Mas was a first National Laureate who held the title SN and born in Bentong, Pahang. He was a prominent writer and founder of Malaysian literary movement called as Asas 50, abbreviation of Angkatan Sasterawan 1950 or Generation of 1950's. Among his well-known works are Kedai Sederet di Kampung Kami (A Row of Shops in Our Village*); Pahlawan Rimba Malaya (The Malaya Junggle's Warrior*); Anak Titiwangsa (Son of Titiwangsa*) and Rimba Harapan (The Jungle of Hope*). His short story compilation is Darah dan Air Mata and translated to English, Blood and Tears.


Nik Mat, Mohd Rosli (1961)
Mohd Rosli Nik Mat or known as Rosli K Matari is a Kelantan-born writer. A teacher at various schools in his homeland, he had been writing since 1978 in different genres from poetry to essay and drama. But his book came relatively late when his first poetry compilation, Nun Bulan (As Far as Moon*) published in 2011, followed by Tidakkah Kita Berada di Sana? (Have Not We're There?*); Anak Dusun (Children of Orchird*); Matahari Itu Jauh (The Farthest Sun*) and Hanya Langit Meratap (Only Sky Grief*).


Othman, Shamsudin (1966)
Shamsudin Othman is a Johor-born poet and academic. Educated at Teacher Training College Lembah Pantai, he furthered his study at Language Institute of Kuala Lumpur (IBBM) and received his master's degree at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). He earned his PhD at University of Malaya (UM). His poetry anthologies are Taman Percakapan (The Garden of Conversation*); Tanah Nurani (The Conscience of Land*); Taman Maknawi (The Spiritual Orchard*); Taman Insaniah (The Humanity Orchard*) and Kudus Kesturi (The Holy of Musk*).


Syed Othman, Syed Mohd Zakir (1969)
Syed Mohd Zakir Syed Othman or known as S.M. Zakir is a Kelantan-born writer. A very prolific writer in various genres, he won SEA Write Award in 2011. His short story collections are Merengkuh Langit (Embracing the Sky*); Sekuntum Kembang di Sayap Jibril (Rose-bud on Gabriel's Wing*); Menyirat Nirmala*; Sekeping Roh di Atas Bantal (A Piece of Spirit on the Pillow*); Memburu Malaikat (Hunting the Angel*) and Serigala dan Sekuntum Tulip (Wolves and the Tulip*), while his latest anthology, Bidadari Burung had been translated to English by the title, The Bird Nymph. He has three poetry anthologies, Sajak-sajak Petualang: Manusia Mimpi (The Poems of Adventurer: A Dreamer*); Aroma (Aroma*) and Perjalanan Sang Zaman (The Journey of Time*). He also published a couple of novel from young adult to adult such as Di Bawah Lembayung (Under the Crimson*) and Ahli Politik (Politician). As an essayist, he published many compilations such as Dunia Tanpa Tirai (World Without Curtain*); Pascamoden: Kutukan Terhadap Falsafah dan Agama (Postmodenism: A Curse to Philosophy and Religion*); Filem dan Pemikiran (Film and Thought*); Sinema - Kumpulan Esei Ulasan Filem (Cinema - An Essays Compilation of Film*) and Laboratorium (The Lab*).


Taib, Tengku Alias (1943-2004)
Tengku Alias Taib or known as T Alias Taib was a Terengganu-born poet. His poetry journey began since 1960 which produced such excel compilation such as Laut Tak Biru Di Seberang Takir (Blue is not Color of Seberang Takir Coastal*); Pemburu Kota (City Hunter*); Seberkas Kunci (Cluster of Keys*); Opera (Opera*) ; Piramid (Pyramid*); Petang Condong (Skew Evening*) dan Pasar Pengalaman (Exprience Market*).


Wan Mokhtar, Wan Nor Azriq (1986)
Wan Nor Azriq Wan Mokhtar is a Kedah-born writer. His novels are Boneka Rusia Guido (Guido's Russian Doll*); D.U.B.L.I.N (D.U.B.L.I.N *) and Soneta Roda Basikal (The Sonnet of Wheel*). His other books are Dompet Kulit Buaya (Wallet of Crocodile Leather*) and 86. D.U.B.L.I.N also won writing contest organized by Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia (ITBM), Malaysian National Writers Association (PENA) and Berita Harian (BH) in 2014.


Yahaya, Saifullizan (1975)
Saifullizan Yahaya is a Perak-born writer and poet; working with Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) as a literature officer.  His compilation of poems are Biar Puisi Menjadi Peluru (Let Poetry Being Bullets*) and Aku Gagak (I'm a Crow*), while his short stories can be read in Lelaki Tua dan Sebuah Kerusi (Oldman and the Chair*).


Zahari, Rahimidin (1968-2015)
Rahimidin Zahari was a Kelantan-born writer. He hold Bachelor of Fine Arts from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and had a diploma in Arts at Malaya University (UM). He wrote in various genres including poetry, short story, novel, essay, drama and novel. Zahari published over than 20 titles not include 12 poetry collection, Lakaran Kampung (Village Sketche*); Cemara (Casuarina); Sajak kecil Sekitar Tengah Malam (Small Poem around The Midnight*); Sekepal Tanah (A Fistful of Soil*); Matahari Berdoa (A Gracing Sun*); Di Kebun Khatulistiwa (In Equator Orchard*); Aksara (Script*); Perjalanan Salik (A Journey of Sufi*); Perahu Fansuri (Fansuri Boat*); Bayang Beringin (The Shade of Banian*); Laut Tujuh Gelombang Buih (Seven Wave of Foam's Sea*) and Sehelai Daun Kenangan (A Piece of Memory Leaf). His anthology was translated in other language including in English like Rawana: Selected Poems/Sajak-sajak Terpilih and Istana Pasir as Zamok Iz Peska in Russia. He also wrote about Malay heritage such as Makyung: The Mystical Heritage of Malaysia and Wayang Kulit: Shadow Play the Folk of the Malay Archipelago. His only novel is Pewaris (The Heir*). Zahari was a stage manager at Istana Budaya, Kuala Lumpur and editor of theatre magazine, Pentas.

* have not been translated yet